Penn Leary

Oak Island, Nova Scotia - 1952

Thomas Pennell "Penn" Leary
May 5, 1921 -- March 9, 2005
Thomas Pennell "Penn" Leary worked as a lawyer in his native city of Omaha, Nebraska from 1947 until the late 1990s. During WWII, he was a bomber and fighter test pilot at Wright Field in Dayton, Ohio, before being assigned to the Office of Strategic Services, a precursor to the CIA. He wrote in the fields of law, electronics, weather, and aeronautics, and held several patents. His hobbies included photography, printing, machine shop work, electronics, Elizabethan history, computer programming, and cryptography.
Leary published four books during his lifetime: The Oak Island Enigma, The Cryptographic Shakespeare, The Second Cryptographic Shakespeare, and Test Flying at Old Wright Field. In 2021, The Complete Cryptographic Shakespeare was edited and released by his son, Brian Leary.

The. Complete. Cryptographic. Shake-speare.
From a trip to Nova Scotia in search of buried treasure to a groundbreaking discovery calling into question the authorship of Shakespeare's works, Penn Leary explores the connection between Francis Bacon and William Shakespeare through cryptography and ciphers of the Elizabethan period. As Leary demonstrates, the Caesar cipher system is key to revealing that Francis Bacon was the true author of the Shakespearean works.
Available on Amazon.
The Oak
Island Enigma
In a gripping history of Oak Island and its mysterious "Money Pit," Penn Leary details the island's intriguing secrets: the shaft with its many platforms, the strategic drainage tunnels that flood the pit with sea water, and the many attempts to uncover what the construction hides and protects.
Originally published in 1953, The Oak Island Enigma was the first book to suggest that the manuscripts of William Shakespeare's works, actually written by Sir Francis Bacon, may be buried beneath Oak Island.
Available on Amazon.